6th Annual National Conference of Neuropathology Society of India
23rd – 25th Feb 2023
Virtual Conference
Welcome message
On behalf of the Neuropathology Society of India, it gives us great pleasure to welcome you to the 6th annual meeting of the society to be hosted by Christian Medical College, Vellore on February 24th and 25th, 2023, which will be preceded by a half-day virtual workshop on Fluorescence in situ hybridization on February 23rd, 2023. The meeting will be held on a virtual platform. The highlights of the conference include several case-based slide sessions covering nerve and muscle pathology, epilepsy associated pathology, perinatal neuropathology, sellar lesions and tumors that pose a challenge with the WHO CNS5 classification. Experts in the field will share their experience covering a wide array of topics in non-neoplastic and neoplastic neuropathology. The COVID pandemic has opened up new avenues to enhance our learning experience. This virtual meeting thus aims to provide an opportunity to listen to a gallery of international and national experts in the field of Neuropathology from the safety and comfort of our own workplaces. The programme has been designed to address the needs of postgraduate residents, junior and senior faculty involved in diagnosis and research in Neuropathology. We encourage you to participate in this meeting and share your work in various aspects of Neuropathology and Neurosciences through the poster and free paper sessions.
Best Wishes,
Dr. Geeta Chacko
Organizing Chairperson
Dr. Ranjani Jayachandran
Organizing Secretary

Organising Committee
Organizing Chairperson
Dr. Geeta Chacko
Organizing Secretary
Dr. Hemanth Kumar R
Committee Members
Dr. Abha John
Dr. Jonali Das
Dr. MM Shivashangari
Ms. Janet Paul
Ms. Sunitha James
Ms. Nivetha N
Mr. Jones Victor
Dr. Vani Santosh, President-elect
Dr. Challa Sundaram, Past President
Dr. Geeta Chacko, Hon Secretary
Dr. Vaishali Suri, Joint Secretary
Dr. Nuzhat Hussain, Treasurer
Dr. T.C Yasha, Member
Dr.R.K Saran, Member
Dr. Megha Uppin, Member
Event Highlights
What to Expect
24th Feb
Prof AK Banerjee Oration
Dr. Kenneth Aldape
25th Feb
Prof SK Shankar Oration
Dr. Avindra Nath
International Faculty
Takashi Komori, Japan
Beatriz Lopes, USA
David Capper, Germany
Federico Roncaroli, UK
Maysa Husseini, Jordan
Eminent National Faculty
Virtual Workshop
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
- Technical details with video
- Q & A session on technique
- Panel discussion with cases for interpretation
CME Points
4 Credit Hours
Neuropathology Quiz
- Registration Free
- First round online 23rd Feb 2023
- Second round online and live
Event Pricing & Registration
Till 16th Feb
NPSI Members
.- After Feb 16th
- ₹ 3540
Non Members
Including SAARC CountriesPost Graduates
.Intl Delegates
.After 16th Feb
NPSI Members
.- After Feb 16th
- ₹ 3540
Non Members
Including SAARC CountriesPost Graduates
.Intl Delegates
.Virtual FISH workshop only
₹ 1180
Abstract Submission
Please note
Abstract Guidelines
• All abstracts for NPSICON 2023 should be submitted only through the website.
• No submissions by email OR physical submission will be considered.
• Abstracts should be submitted in ENGLISH language only.
• Last date for submission of Abstracts is 7th February 2023.
• The maximum word limit for Abstract title is 15 (excluding spaces).
• The maximum word limit for Abstract text is 250 (excluding spaces).
• A panel of reviewers will review all abstracts.
• Presenting Author must register for NPSICON 2023 and be a member of the NPSI
• First and presenting authors’ names should be bold and highlighted.
• No communications through post is entertained.
• The scientific committee reserves the right of accepting / rejecting any abstracts without assigning any reason thereof.
Dr. Subimal Roy Award
For best published paper in Neuropathology. Last date for submission 31st January 2023
NPSI Young Investigator Award
Last date for submission 31st January 2023