President's Desk

President Dr. Vani Santosh Message

President Dr. Vani Santosh Message

Dear Colleagues, Warm greetings from the President’s desk. I am deeply honoured and thank all the members of NPSI for giving me this opportunity to serve as the President for the years 2023-2025. NPSI has established itself as the association that has brought together...

President Dr. Chitra Sarkar’s Message

President Dr. Chitra Sarkar’s Message

Dear All,  It is truly an honour for me to serve as the President of the Neuropathology Society of India (NPSI) and I thank all the members of NPSI for giving me this opportunity. I must congratulate my immediate predecessor Dr Challa Sundaram for her outstanding...

President Dr. C Sundaram’s Message

President Dr. C Sundaram’s Message

Dear Friends Season’s greetings. Thank you for choosing me as the President, Neuropathology Society of India 2019-2020. It is a great privilege and I am humbled by this responsibility. I thank the Executive and all the members of NPSI for bestowing this honor on me. I...

President Dr. Shankar’s Message

President Dr. Shankar’s Message

Dear Members of our Society, Greetings to all for the year 2018-19. I thank the members for electing me the President of the year. Our Neuropathology Society is strengthening the footprint and has conducted three National Conferences with international participation...

New year Message from President

New year Message from President

Dear Friends and Colleagues, I send my best wishes to you all for a very prosperous and productive New Year 2018. Our society has now completed three years of its existence. During this period, the society made rapid strides under the dynamic and inspirational...

New year Message from President

Presidents Message

Dear Members, I wish to thank you all for electing me as the President of the Society for the year 2017-18. I will discharge the duties to my best of ability and will contribute to the growth of the society. The recently concluded NPSICON-2017, organized by the...

Legends in Neuropathology



My dear Friends and Colleagues, During the past 10 months, I have been communicating with you all once in a month .I sent a series on Legends in Neuropathology. I am sure you would have read all these ‘write-ups’ and found some useful information. Last in this series...



December 5, 2017 Dear Members, I am sure that most of you would be enjoying early winter nowadays. The weather in ‘God’s own country’ is still warm but quite pleasant in nights. I am sending herewith the next ‘write-up’. I do hope it will make an interesting reading...

Prof. Subimal Roy( 1933- 2015)

Prof. Subimal Roy( 1933- 2015)

November 1, 2017, Dear member, I am sure you are reading the series on- Legends in Neuropathology. I would very much appreciate to hear or see any messages from you on this subject. This time I am sending the write-up on Prof.Subimal Roy, founder president of our...

DARAB K DASTUR (1924-2000)

DARAB K DASTUR (1924-2000)

October 6, 2017 My dear Friends, It is a festival time in most parts of our country. The festival of lights (Deepawali) is around the corner. I send my best wishes to you and your family on this occasion and also pray to Almighty to bless you all with happiness and...

Harry M. Zimmerman MD (1901-1995)

Harry M. Zimmerman MD (1901-1995)

August 30, 2017 Dear friends and colleagues It is the festival time in God’s own country!!. The ‘Onam’ festival season has already begun here in great festive mood. This is the time when King Mahabali visits us and wishes to see his people in a happy frame of mind and...

Bernd W. Scheithauer, MD (1946–2011)–Mentor, Friend, and Prodigy

Bernd W. Scheithauer, MD (1946–2011)–Mentor, Friend, and Prodigy

August 1, 2017. My dear colleagues, In continuation on the series- ‘Legends in Neuropathology’, I am sending herewith a ‘write-up’ on BW Scheithauer- Mentor, Friend and Prodigy. So far I did not find comments to any one of my earlier ‘write-ups’. Hence I would urge...

RAYMOD D ADAMS (1911-2008)

RAYMOD D ADAMS (1911-2008)

July 4, 2017. Dear colleagues, Greetings to you all from Thiruvananthapuram!! I am sure by now most of you would be enjoying the rainy season that is currently in full swing and must be getting respite from hot and sultry climatic conditions in particular northern...

Prof. Edward Pierson Richardson, Jr. (1918-1998)

Prof. Edward Pierson Richardson, Jr. (1918-1998)

June 8, 2017 Dear colleagues, Greetings to you all from God’s own country!! The south-west monsoon arrived here about a week with plenty of rains. Currently it is progressing towards the rest of the country. I am sure some of you will be already enjoying the rains by...

Lucien J. Rubinstein: Enduring Contributions to Neuro-Oncology

Lucien J. Rubinstein: Enduring Contributions to Neuro-Oncology

Dear colleagues and friends, Greetings to you all from God’s own country!! I do hope that most of you would have read the first ‘write-up’ on Legends in Neuropathology. In continuation with that I am sending the second ‘write-up’ on Professor Lucien J Rubinstein. I...

DORATHY STUART RUSSELL (1895-1983) –“An unconquered Queen”

DORATHY STUART RUSSELL (1895-1983) –“An unconquered Queen”

Dorothy Stuart Russell born at Sydney, Australia in 1895.She lost her parents, when she was only 8 years of age. Thereafter, Dorothy and her younger sister Patronella were brought to England by  her aunt and uncle living near Cambridge, England. In 1909, Dorothy...