I wish to thank you all for electing me as the President of the Society for the year 2017-18. I will discharge the duties to my best of ability and will contribute to the growth of the society.
The recently concluded NPSICON-2017, organized by the Department of Neuropathology; NIMHANS, Bangalore was truly outstanding. Over 250 delegates registered for the conference. All the scientific sessions were well conducted and attended. The sessions on ‘dangal’ and ‘debate’ were unique and kept the delegates spell- bound and captured their imagination. On the behalf of the society, I wish to express our appreciation as well as congratulations to each and every member of the organizing committee in making this conference memorable.
I wish to communicate with you more frequently and at least once in a month. The best way to begin this process is by sending a series on ‘Legends in Neuropathology’. In the current age of digital pathology, historical events in neuropathology may not be relevant but it should be remembered. I also do believe this will add useful information and motivate younger generation of neuropathologists of our society.
With my best wishes and warm regards